Morning Blood Glucose:
6/13/11: 88 mg/dL
6/14/11: 84 mg/dL
6/15/11: 87 mg/dL
6/16/11: 90 mg/dL
6/17/11: 76mg/dL
6/20/11: 85mg/dL
6/21/11: 70mg/dL
6/22/11: 85mg/dL
6/23/11: No data
6/24/11: No data
Afternoon Blood Glucose:
6/13/11: 83mg/dL
6/14/11: 69mg/dL
6/15/11: 84 mg/dL
6/16/11: No data
6/17/11: No data
6/20/11: 84 mg/dL
6/21/11: 87 mg/dL
6/22/11: 70 mg/dL
6/23/11: No data
6/24/11: No data
6/13/11: 157
6/14/11: 157
6/15/11: 156
6/16/11: 154
6/17/11: 153
6/20/11: 154
6/21/11: 153
6/22/11: 151
6/23/11: No data
6/24/11: No data
Rating Scale Summary:
I Strongly Disagreed (Average Response >4.5) with the following:
- I never felt intense hunger (taking focus away from my normal activities) for most of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt intense hunger once or twice during my fast.
- I felt mild hunger for most of my waking, fasted hours.
- I ate before the fast was supposed to be over. Average Response 5 (Strongly Disagree)
I Strongly Agreed (Average Response <1) with the following:
- I felt mild hunger once or twice during my fast.
Energy Levels
I Strongly Disagreed (Average Response >4.5) with the following:
- I felt weak/tired (experiencing difficulty performing my normal physical activities) for most of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt impaired cognition (experiencing difficulty performing my normal mental activities) for most of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt impaired cognition (experiencing difficulty performing my normal mental activities) for some of my waking fasted hours.
I Strongly Agreed (Average Response <1) with the following:
- I felt normal cognition (easily able to perform my normal mental activities) for most of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt energetic (easily able to perform my normal activities) for some of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt normal cognition (easily able to perform my normal mental activities) for some of my waking fasted hours.
I Agreed (Average Response >1 and <2.5) with the following:
- I felt energetic (easily able to perform my normal physical activities) for most of my waking fasted hours.
I Strongly Disagreed (Average Response >4.5) with the following:
- I felt happy during none of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt depressed/anxious during most of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt depressed/anxious during some of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt lethargic during most of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt lethargic during some of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt calm during none of my waking fasted hours.
I Disagreed (Average Response >3.5 and <4.5)
- I felt happy during most of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt happy during some of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt calm during some of my waking fasted hours.
I Strongly Agreed (Average Response <1) with the following:
- I felt no changes in my mood during my waking fasted hours.
- I felt depressed/anxious during none of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt lethargic during none of my waking fasted hours.
- I felt calm during most of my waking fasted hours.
My average response was Neutral to the following:
- I slept better during the week.
- I slept worse during the week.
My week was typical; there were no significant changes in my normal work, sleep or activity routine.
Overall Impressions:
I really enjoy this method of fasting. It’s easy to follow and I felt no ill effects to the regimen. I lost some weight, which was part of my goal, and felt healthy during the week. I didn’t need to change my workout routines or the types of food I was eating. I would recommend this method to anyone who wants to try IF, without having to make too many changes to diet and lifestyle. Given all of the health benefits of IF (linked in previous posts), I would recommend Fast-5 to anyone looking to improve their health or to lose weight.
Next Week:
I’m taking this week off, as things are still very busy. I’ll be fasting here and there, as that is just part of my lifestyle, now, but I won’t be formally following any specific program. Next week (starting on July 4), I will begin the Eat Stop Eat program. I’ll put up a post explaining that IF regimen soon. If you are interested, check out Brad Pilon’s (creator of Eat Stop Eat) website.
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