Okay, in my last post, I mentioned that if you don’t know who Weston A. Price is, you need to know. Well, the same holds true for Jimmy Moore. He’s just plain awesome.
I have to thank Jimmy, because if I hadn’t found his podcast, Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Show (found here: http://www.thelivinlowcarbshow.com/shownotes/), I never would have started my wellness adventure. I found his podcast close to a year ago, and it was my introduction into Low Carb and alternative health. He’s interviewed tons of experts in health and nutrition (his last podcast was numbered 471). That’s right, he’s done 471 podcast interviews. 471! That’s nuts!!! I’ve spent countless hours enjoying his podcasts and have learned a great deal from them. Now, that’s edutainment.
And, as if that wasn’t enough, he has another podcast, Low Carb Conversations with Jimmy Moore and Friends (found here: http://www.lowcarbconversations.com/), and two blogs: The Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Blog (found here: http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/) and Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Menus (found here: http://lowcarbmenu.blogspot.com/). I really enjoy reading both blogs. The first not only highlights the interviews he does on the podcast, but also discusses a myriad of alternative health and nutrition news and views. His menus blog lists what he’s eating and how he’s exercising, along with a peak into other aspects of his life, including some of his religious practices and his volunteer work within his community).
Jimmy is not just the most prolific blogger and podcaster in the health and nutrition community, he is also a great inspiration to those who struggle or have struggled with obesity and the ill-health effects of a Standard American Diet (SAD) and lifestyle). From his homepage (found here: http://www.livinlavidalowcarb.com/): “In January 2004, Jimmy Moore made a decision to get rid of the weight that was literally killing him. At 32 years of age and 410 pounds, the time had come for a radical change of lifestyle. A year later, he had shed 180 pounds, shrunk his waist by 20 inches, and dropped his shirt size from 5XL to XL. After his dramatic weight loss, Jimmy was inundated with requests from friends, neighbors and complete strangers seeking information and help. Jimmy is dedicated to helping as many people as possible find the information they need to make the kind of lifestyle change he has made…”
I feel like I know the guy, from listening to him a few times a week, and reading his blogs regularly. And, he seems like a great guy to know. He’s an inspiration to all of us who have chosen to make our health a priority, and to look a little deeper at the facts and the research, instead of just believing the government and the media.
As if blogging and podcasting wasn’t enough, he’s also written a couple of books: 21 Life Lessons From Livin' La Vida Low-Carb: How The Healthy Low-Carb Lifestyle Changed Everything I Thought I Knew and Livin' La Vida Low-Carb: My Journey From Flabby Fat To Sensationally Skinny In One Year. They are on my reading list and I will review them on the blog when I read them.
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