Quick Notes
I’m still rather busy, but I wanted to update the blog with a few random notes:
- I’m 1 pound away from reaching 50lb. weight loss (from April, 2010-present). I’m excited to hit this milestone. I feel SO much better because of the changes I’ve made in my diet and lifestyle.
- Those “healthy whole grains” just might not be as healthy as everyone things. Check out this PaleoSolution Podcast episode, featuring Dr. William Davis (who also has a prominent blog) about wheat. He just wrote an intriguing book called Wheat Belly. I just bought it, so I hope to read it and post a review of the book soon.
- I’m thinking about seeing a Naturopath, in addition to my regular doctor. I’ll let you know more about that soon, as well.
- I’m still doing IF, though I’m basically doing my own version. I rarely to 24 hour fasts. Mostly, I’m skipping breakfast 3 or so times per week, and eating my first meal of the day at 1pm. That adds up to about 18 hours.
- Over the summer, I started doing body-weight resistance exercises (assisted pull-ups, push-ups, squats, planks) and I’ve started noticing some definition in my arms, and increased endurance for physical tasks.
- I had a dentist appointment today. I had way less plaque/tartar than in previous years, and my teeth (aside from a couple of mercury fillings that are coming out within the year, hopefully), are in great shape. I attribute this to the drastic cuts I've made in sugar and grain consumption.
- Also, I’m hoping to do a nice, long post that tracks the progress I’ve made thus far in my journey to wellness. Stay tuned.